Release notes ############# Release notes for **Blogit**. ---- 0.4.13 ====== * Add separate template for arvhive view. * Refactor starting templates. 0.4.12 ====== * Fix manifest. 0.4.11 ====== * Fix 0.4.10 ====== * Move urls into modules (for now) to fix potential errors with appresolver from django-cms. * Support Django 1.10. 0.4.9 ===== * Change url of categories to use full path, instead of slug. * Maintenance. 0.4.8 ===== * Fix tests settings, update requirements. 0.4.7 ===== * Make multiple apphooks the default. * Make detail category view fetch all descendants posts. * Use MPTT draggable admin for categories. 0.4.6 ===== * Require django CMS 3.3.x. 0.4.5 ===== * Add settings ``BLOGIT_SINGLE_APPHOOK`` and additional apphooks for other modules. This now allows to specify a separate page apphooks for categories, tags, feeds... 0.4.4 ===== * Add support for Django 1.8.x and 1.9.x, drop support for Django 1.7.x * Migration: remove "null=True" from M2M field. 0.4.3 ===== * Add support for django CMS 3.2. 0.4.2 ===== * Replace override function with parlers switch_language to avoid 404's in some cases. 0.4.1 ===== * Enable search in admin list. * Add list of posts in category and tag admin detail. * Add tag urls and views. * Add tags to cms toolbar menu. * Fix force_text to try force_unicode first – in feeds. * Separate managers from models. * Fix post detail view returning multiple objects when different language posts have the same slug. 0.4.0 ===== * Add langauge param to Post's get_absolute_url method. * Add get_search_data method to Post. * Remove django-taggit from requirements. * Fix: admin get_image should fail silently if image is missing. .. attention:: In version **0.4.0** django-taggit is removed as a requirement so the migrations history must be cleared. To migrate from **0.3.x** to **0.4.x** follow the steps: - install version **0.3.10** and run ``python migrate blogit`` - remove blogit from the migration history. SQL example: ``DELETE FROM django_migrations WHERE app="blogit"`` - install version **0.4.0** and run ``python migrate blogit --fake`` 0.3.10 ====== * Remove date_hierarchy from admin. 0.3.9 ===== * Changes in admin layout. * Add settings for sitemap config. * Add django-mptt as a requirement. * Add actions for changing statuses. * Add colors to admin statuses. * Add previous and next post as a property. * Remove active field, add HIDDEN status instead. 0.3.8 ===== * Add SEO fields. * Add extra feed settings. * Add status fields, fix active boolean to not display in feeds and detail. 0.3.7 ===== * Fix migrations. 0.3.6 ===== * Fix 0005 migration. 0.3.5 ===== * Create own simple tag model. * Remove category and feed urls settings and translate them automatically. 0.3.4 ===== * Make active boolean work. 0.3.3 ===== * Fix not displaying correct language on detail view. 0.3.2 ===== * Migration file dependencies fix 0.3.1 ===== * Update migration file. * Fixes. 0.3.0 ===== * Simplified models. * Refactored and not compatible with earlier versions.